What you need to do during joining the webinar training?

  1. An access credential will provide to you in the email or you can find the info in eLMS, such as https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73966732824?pwd=SEZBKytMSUtxMXZ1SnE0L0JMVlg5UT09or Meeting ID: 739 6673 2824 with Password: 0wQJzC. (This credential is just an example; different access credential will be provided for different course/s).
  2. There are 2 methods you can join for the course/s:  First method, please click on the link then your browser will pop up and a “Launch Application” window will also pop up, choose “Zoom Meeting” and click “Open Link”. Then you will direct to Zoom Application and entering the training session.
  3. You are now entering to the webinar training session.
  4. The second method to join for the class is start “Zoom” application in you PC, then you click “Join”, after that entering the Meeting ID then click “Join”, then enter the password given. Then you will be direct to the training session.
  5. You are now entering to the webinar training session.
